Islamic Tourism Centre (ITC) is staging the first series of Seminar Keusahawanan dan Kepimpinan Pelancongan Islam (Islamic Tourism Entrepreneurship and Leadership Seminar – ITELS) this year on 22-23 June 2022 at JEN Penang Georgetown by Shangri-La. This seminar is aimed at attracting youths, entrepreneurs and tourism industry players to venture into the growing and potentially profitable field of Islamic Tourism.
Learn from our lineup of experienced and inspiring partners as they they share the information, economic and entrepreneurial opportunities that can be developed in the Islamic Tourism segment.
Join our speakers from Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), myBurgerLab, Malaysia Association of Wellness Trainer (MAWT) and Perbadanan Nasional Berhad (PERNAS) to deep-dive into the world of Islamic Tourism and how you can chart a new career or business path in it.
ITELS has also been verified as a Continuing Tourism Related Education (CTRE) Course by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Heritage (MOTAC). Licensed tour guides who participate in this ITELS will earn two CTRE points from the course.
The panel of speakers will discuss a variety of interesting topics, including:
No | Title | Speaker | Designation |
1 | Pengenalan Pelancongan Islam & Potensi Pasaran Pelancongan Muslim | Dato’ Dr. Mohmed Razip Hasan | Director General, Islamic Tourism Centre |
2 | Taklimat Dana Bantuan Usahawan | Dato’ Zulfikri Osman | Deputy Director General Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) |
3 | Perancangan & Pengurusan Kewangan | Mr. Mohd Fuad Halim | Head of Outreach Programme, Perbadanan Nasional Berhad (PERNAS) |
4 | Kepimpinan dalam Pelancongan Islam | Mdm. Liz Othman | Business Coach & President, Malaysia Association of Wellness Trainer (MAWT) |
5 | Pengenalan Garis Panduan Produk, Hospitaliti & Pakej Pelancongan Mesra-Muslim (MFT ProHPack) |
Dr. Hisham Sabri | Deputy Director University Centre for Entrepreneurship, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) |
6 | Kepentingan Pensijilan Halal dalam Pelancongan Islam | Dr. Lokman Ab. Rahman | President of Persatuan Profesional Eksekutif Halal Malaysia |
7 | Sesi Perkongsian : Kisah Kejayaan MyBurgerLab | Mr. Chin Ren Yi | Founder of myBurgerLab Malaysia |
Save the date and join us!
Date: 22 – 23 June 2022 / 22 – 23 Zulkaedah 1443H
Venue: JEN Penang Georgetown by Shangri-La
Registration Ticket : RM150 (Walk-In), RM 10 (Pre-Registration)