Tourist Travel Tips

Learn the Local Language

Not all locals speak the same language as travellers from around the world. Although most of them speak in English. In rural areas, locals can say simple phrases like ‘How are you?’ and ‘Thank you’. To communicate better with them, try to learn to say basic words in Malay, Chinese, and Tamil. You could also use body language (and a smile) so they understand what you are trying to say. They will appreciate that you did your best to talk to them. Some of them might become your friends and would be willing to share their stories with you.

Join Local Communities Before Arriving

There are many travel enthusiasts and locals who share their love for Malaysian culture through events and programmes. We recommend looking at hostels that organise special programmes such as food tours, city tours, hiking, night life, and many other fun activities. Couchsurfing is also another great option to befriend locals to show you around and experience great fun, Malaysian style. If you are into arts and culture, we recommend engaging on the social media pages of local art markets and galleries such as Riuh in The City, Zhongshan Building, The Bee and Publika.

Know Duty-Free Rules

Not all locals speak the same language as travellers from around the world. Although most of them speak in English. In rural areas, locals can say simple phrases like ‘How are you?’ and ‘Thank you’. To communicate better with them, try to learn to say basic words in Malay, Chinese, and Tamil. You could also use body language (and a smile) so they understand what you are trying to say. They will appreciate that you did your best to talk to them. Some of them might become your friends and would be willing to share their stories with you.

No Drugs Allowed

Taking drugs into Malaysia is a serious offence, regardless of quantity. The punishment for these cases will be high fines and jail time. Before travelling, make sure to double check your luggage and bags to be sure there are no questionable substances that may appear among your belongings.

Be Adventurous in Trying Hawker Stalls

Hawker stalls can look hot and stuffy due to thick crowds, but the local delicacies may just be worth it. Authentic local food is prepared and cooked at stalls before serving. Try as many local dishes as you want because these are more affordable than fancy restaurants. A single dish costs about RM7 – 10 (around USD1 – 2). You can even order huge dishes to share with your friends, which are even cheaper. Most of the hawker stalls are kept clean so you can enjoy your meal at the tables or along the streets.

Prepare for Hot and Humid Weather

Malaysia offers lovely tropical weather, with temperatures roughly between 28 – 31ºC. The weather can be extremely hot on certain days, though, and more humid on rainy and sunny days. Have back-up plans to enjoy indoor activities to avoid sweating under the sun or getting soaked from the rain. Spend your time in malls, browsing through the stores and enjoying your meals at lovely cafes. Be sure to put on some sun screen and drink plenty of water as well.
Lata Berkoh

Avoid the Haze

The severity of haze in Malaysia changes on a yearly basis. In 2015, alongside Singapore and Thailand, Malaysia suffered a month-long haze due to mass illegal burning of forests in Indonesia. Last year, the haze blanketed Malaysian skies for a few days. It is advisable to monitor the conditions before travelling.

No Extra Tips

There is no tipping in Malaysia. Many cafes, restaurants, pubs and bars charge a 10% service charge and 6% Goods and Services Tax on top of your bill. These are mentioned on the menu. You cannot give extra tips to taxi drivers and hotels as you only need to pay the exact amount. If they provide you great service, ask them before giving tips.

Prepare Equipment for Hiking in Rainforests and Mountains

Malaysia has plenty of stunning tropical rainforests and mountains. Appropriate clothing is recommended in order to enjoy your adventures here. Wear comfortable sports or hiking shoes. Take insect repellent with you and bring some healthy snacks in case you get hungry along the way. Most importantly, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.